![]() Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA Quarterly E-Newsletter Spring 2022 Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA A Dominican Sister praying at Sister Thea’s grave at Elmwood Cemetery in Memphis, TN. (Photo credit: Will F. Peterson) Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA, Ph.D. (December 29, 1937-March 30, 1990) “We are a pilgrim people traveling together in sorrow and joy toward that land of promise. Where there will be no more sorrow, no more moaning, no more weeping and wailing, no more goodbye, but just hello.” Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA Sister Thea in the News Center dedicated to Sister Thea Bowman open at Viterbo University WIZM News Talk | La Crosse, WI | Brad Williams https://www.wizmnews.com/2022/03/24/center-dedicated-to-sister-thea-bowman-to-open-at-viterbo/ Campus Connection: Viterbo honoring Sister Thea Bowman La Crosse Tribune https://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/campus-connection-viterbo-honoring-sister-thea-bowman-alumna-and-possible-saint/article_fac3b412-b3c7-5841-bd08-7c5cc0f80145.html Sister Thea Bowman Center at Viterbo University Black Catholic Messenger | Nate Tinner-Williams https://www.blackcatholicmessenger.com/sister-thea-bowman-week-2022/?fbclid=IwAR27hfh8JDinUUM-IC6FA2DnF3SzPnTZCjnNUHV7wPCgv7Zo9gN4BrPZT0s Podcast: Sister Thea Bowman and the importance of Black Spirituality America Magazine | The Gloria Purvis Podcast https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2022/03/01/sister-thea-bowman-black-catholics-242480 Sister Thea Bowman offers a prophetic witness for the church and our country The Catholic Standard – Archdiocese of Washington, DC | Mark Zimmerman https://cathstan.org/news/faith/sister-thea-bowman-offers-a-prophetic-witness-for-the-church-and-our-country-today-priest-says At CUA, Cardinal Gregory emphasizes the role Black Catholics play in the Church The Catholic Standard – Archdiocese of Washington, DC | Catherine Buckler https://cathstan.org/news/local/at-cua-on-tap-cardinal-gregory-encourages-students-to-live-out-their-faith-and-emphasizes-role-black-catholics-play-in-the-church The words we (and the church) need to learn to say: “I’m sorry” America Magazine | Jamie L. Waters https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2022/02/18/repentance-spliter-beam-gospel-242433 Black History Month seen as a reminder to work for justice, equality Catholic News Service | Catholic Star Herald – South Jersey’s Catholic Newspaper https://catholicstarherald.org/black-history-month-seen-as-reminder-of-need-to-work-for-justice-equality/ Black History Month offers a clarion call for a better tomorrow for all of our nation’s people The Catholic Standard | Cardinal Wilton Gregory https://cathstan.org/voices/cardinal-wilton-gregory/black-history-month-offers-a-clarion-call-for-a-better-tomorrow-for-all-of-our-nation-s-people Knowing Black Catholic History can help end racism, professor says National Catholic Reporter | Dennis Sadowski https://www.ncronline.org/news/people/news/news/knowing-black-catholic-history-can-help-end-racism-professor-says Junior Saints seek drawings and writings for Black History Month The Catholic Standard – Archdiocese of Washington, DC | Catholic Standard Staff https://cathstan.org/news/junior-saints/february-junior-saints-seeking-drawings-and-writings-for-black-history-month Addressing the issue of no African American Saints St. Louis American | Alejandra Molina – Religious News Service https://www.stlamerican.com/religion/local_religion/addressing-the-issue-of-no-african-american-catholic-saints/article_d99e5758-76c8-11ec-8cad-4fc7b05431cf.html Racial Justice Circle, Mass, and Rally among the Martin Luther King Jr. Day events Catholic Review | Catholic Review Staff https://catholicreview.org/martin-luther-kind-jr-day-listings/ DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that The Catholic University of America (Sr. Thea’s alma mater), renamed a street on campus in her honor? Where is it located on CUA’s campus? Thea Bowman Drive (roadway on the north side of the Law School that runs to the Pryzbyla Center along the front of the new Dining Commons. The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture seeks to create a Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA exhibit Teddy Reeves, M.Div., Ph.D., curator of religion and co-interim head of the Center for the Study of African American Religious Life for the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) in Washington, DC is delighted to have obtained one of Sister Thea’s most popular gowns. Reeves contacted Redemptorist Father Maurice J. Nutt two years ago inquiring if he had an African gown owned by Sr. Thea. At the time Father Nutt did not have one of Sister Thea’s gowns. As fate would have it, months later, Father Nutt was given a very popular gown worn by Sr. Thea’s from Boston College professor emerita, Dr. M. Shawn Copeland. With Dr. Copeland’s permission, Father Nutt gifted the gown to the NMAAHC as a way of promoting Sister Thea’s life and holiness to a greater audience. Father Nutt noted, “I think that Sister Thea would love being a part of the first national museum honoring the history, culture, and legacy of African Americans. In my estimation, Sister Thea Bowman is African American history and culture!” The NMAAHC was also given permission by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration to use pictures of Sister Thea for the future exhibit. The museum is seeking to collect other items and artifacts of Sr. Thea to make for a more robust exhibition. There is no date available on when the exhibit will debut. Sister Thea Bowman Black Catholic Education Foundation offers scholarships to deserving college bound students from Black communities “Help us to educate. We need education. The way out of poverty is through education.” Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA Sister Thea Bowman Black Catholic Education Foundation Mission Statement Guided by Sister Thea Bowman’s passion for Catholic education as a pathway out of poverty, the Sister Thea Bowman Black Catholic Education Foundation is a national Catholic organization dedicated to providing access to partnering Catholic institutions of higher education for underserved African American students with a commitment to developing the human person. Click here for more information https://theabowmanfoundation.org/ A New Sister Thea Book Thea Bowman: A Story of Triumph A biography of Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA for young adult readers By Mary G. Verrill Thea Bowman's parents were happy when she started 6th grade at Holy Child Jesus School in Canton, Mississippi. At age 15, Thea asked her parents if she could join the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA) and finish high school 1,000 miles away. They said no! So how did Thea join the FSPA and do well in high school and college? How was she able to get through a serious illness as a young Black person far from home? How did she overcome racial bias, share African American spirituals and heritage, and speak out for love and healing for all people? Thea's life of self-determination and courage answers those questions, reflecting the historic times she lived in. Like Thea, this book can inspire young readers to set high goals, triumph over obstacles, and share their talents with the world. Thea Bowman: A Story of Triumph fills a gap in scholarship about Thea’s life in a chapter format designed for young adult (YA) readers. Fits reading Lexile range 810L – 1400L for grades 6-12., 88 pages, $18.99. Click here to purchase the book New Documentary on the holy lives of six African Americans on the path to Sainthood A PLACE AT THE TABLE African Americans on the path to Sainthood Toussaint | Lange | Delille | Tolton | Greeley | Bowman There are no African American Saints, but that could soon change. It's time to hear their stories. #blacksaintsmovie #APlaceattheTable #newdocumentary #independentfilm #catholicchurch #catholicfilm #blackhistory #BlackSaints #catholicfilm #christian #catholic #catholicfilm #africanamerican #theabowman #PierreToussaint #juliagreeley #henriettedelille #marylange #augustustolton Click here to rent or purchase this film at: https://www.blacksaintsmovie.com/ SISTER THEA TORCHBEARERS GUILD We have received inquiries of those persons who are interested in being connected with a local Sister Thea Torchbearer Guild. Due the pandemic we are not functioning as of yet. We are currently establishing the by-laws for the Guild and have them approved by Bishop Kopacz, Bishop of the Diocese of Jackson. It is our intention to begin to establish them before the end of summer. Thank you for your patience. tinysaints | Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman Click here to order your tinysaints A Thea Thought On Women “Ladies, God has called us to speak the word that is Christ, that is truth, that is salvation. And if we speak that word in love, and faith, with patience and prayer and perseverance, it will take root. It does have power to save us. Call one another! Testify! Teach! Act on the Word! Witness!” HAPPY REMEMBRANCE DAY OF SISTER THEA GOING HOME LIKE A SHOOTING STAR—MARCH 30, 1990—32 YEARS AGO YET WE REMEMBER YOUR LIFE, YOUR WITNESS, YOUR LOVE! Sister Thea, pray for us! Prayer Intentions We invite you to submit prayer intentions seeking Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA’s intercession. Your prayer intentions will be sent to the Motherhouse of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (Sr. Thea’s religious community) in LaCrosse, Wisconsin and the prayers will be placed at the altar where the sisters pray in perpetual adoration before the Holy Eucharist. Also know that there will be a monthly Mass offered for your petitions as well. Thank you for submitting your prayer request. Sister Thea, pray for us! Please submit your prayer intention here: https://www.sistertheabowman.com/prayer-intentions/ A Thea Testimony We received this testimony of someone introduced to Sister Thea Bowman by reading an article about her and sought her intercession late last year and we wanted to share it with you. By the way, she is a Baptist and is testifying about Sister Thea’s powerful intercession. Yes, Sister Thea is still evangelizing! "I only learned of this powerful Servant of God on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, reading online by happenstance. I later that night read about the impending execution of Julius Jones in Oklahoma, and I was struck by Bowman’s work for social justice and against racial inequity during her lifetime. I was moved by her connection to my home in Memphis and shared her story with my mother. We are a Baptist family, but we discussed her struggle and were moved. That same night, I felt the need-the urge to pray to her and ask for her intercession on behalf of Jones due to his impending death sentence that was going to be carried out against him in two days, November 18, 2021. I prayed in the morning, at night, all the next day calling aloud to her (Bowman) and the Virgin Mary to come to Jones’ aid and all those oppressed by the justice system. I continued to pray, reminding the angels that I am a Baptist but that he (Jones) needed help and that I know that fervent prayers will be answered. I asked that they touch the decision makers to give him clemency. I prayed all Wednesday night telling no one. Today (November 18, 2021) at around 2:00pm, that is exactly what occurred. I was really surprised and pleased for this young man who by all reports is not guilty of this crime that someone else has confessed to. I thanked God for hearing me and smiled at the thought of Sister Thea Bowman listening to my plea for someone I do not know. God bless you all." Florence Memphis, TN Testimonies We invite you to submit testimonies of spiritual favors received through seeking Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA’s intercession. In your submission, please include your full name, city and state, and your email address. If we post your testimony in our e-newsletter we will only use your first name, city, and state. Thank you and God Bless! Please submit your testimonies here: https://www.sistertheabowman.com/testimonials-and-prayer-intentions/ E-Newsletter Subscription Please invite others to subscribe to the quarterly e-newsletter promoting the canonization of Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA. Thank you! Subscription link: https://www.sistertheabowman.com/newsletter/ Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA Lapel Pin You can now receive a beautiful lapel pin of Sister Thea for a donation of $22.50 which includes the lapel pin, shipping, and handling. The lapel pin is only offered in the US. You can order your Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA lapel pin at the link below: https://sister-thea-bowman-artifacts.square.site/ Holy Cards and Brochures To order Sr. Thea prayer cards and or brochures please write or call the Diocese of Jackson: Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA Prayer Cards / Brochures Catholic Diocese of Jackson 237 E. Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 969-1880 "Let's Stay Connected" www.sistertheabowman.com https://www.facebook.com/srtheabowmancanonization/ https://twitter.com/srtheabowman4st https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/theabowman/?hl=en Reply Direct replies to this email can only be seen by admins. Click the blue Reply button above to leave a public comment. Email me when people reply to this note To ensure that these emails land in your inbox and do not go into spam, please add mail@flocknote. com to your email address book or safe senders list. Sent by Catholic Diocese of Jackson my info • unsubscribe 237 East Amite Street, Jackson, MS 39201 • sistertheabowman.com
A Covid-19 Reflection: We, and the "entire world" have been invited by Covid-19, to stay-alone, to keep ourselves quietly separate from one another as often as possible. Now, month after month unaware of the increasing number of months yet possibly awaiting us, we begin to wonder what desire God is placing within our quiet minds and hearts. During our "staying-alone and the quiet times" we can pause in the midst of a paused world. It is then, in this quiet pause we can invite God into the quiet of one's heart while being selective in new ways of being for one another and for our earth. [email protected] Relieving Stress during COVID-19 TimesSince the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, many of us will be self-quarantined in many homes for many weeks. For many travel plans have gone and indefinite isolation and information overload may be causing some feelings of anxiety and isolation.
Here are a few ideas you can try to help you cope and feel normal:
Peace, Love and Good Health Anita |